Many people like the idea of being able to grow their own vegetables in their garden. You may have got a designated patch which is suitable for growing veg but struggle to know what to do with it throughout the colder months. The good news is there are many vegetables that can be grown during this time of year that will keep your green fingers busy and allow you to benefit from your own crop.

Planting onions in the autumn time is a great idea if you are looking for a low maintenance veg. Once planted they do not need much looking after but they will not be ready to be harvested until the following summer, so you do need to consider where you are going to put them so they do not encroach on to space you use in the spring time.

Garlic is another very easy veg to grow in the winter. Garlic can be added to all sorts of meals to give it more flavour and is also very good for you. Like onions, garlic will need to be planted in the autumn and will not be ready until the following summer.

Broad beans can be planted in the autumn and do not take as long to grow. They can often be harvested in the spring, giving you just enough time for you to plant your spring summer veg.