So it’s time to overhaul your garden, you have a bare patch of land that you have cleared and levelled and it’s time to decide what to do with it.
If you are wanting a lawn area then your three main options are to lay grass seed, turf or use artificial grass and there are pros and cons to each method.
If you choose to lay grass seed then it’s important you choose the correct seed for the area depending on how much sunlight the area gets and how much traffic the grass will need to cope with. Once laid grass seed takes around 14 days to germinate but a good few weeks to become properly established so you’d need to play the waiting game. Grass seed does also tend to attract birds so you may need to put up some bird scarers for a while until the grass is established.
Turf can be a great option as you get the look of a healthy full lawn almost immediately. You do however need to care for it and water it regularly to ensure it doesn’t die. Turf can be fairly expensive as well compared to the price of grass seed so you’d need to weigh up time verse cost and which is more suitable for you.
The third option is artificial grass that is becoming very popular and can look great, it’s no maintenance and you can use the area immediately, however, some find it no substitute for the real thing.